
The Mike Benesh
Author Page
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Mike Benesh's Biography

At the root of everything, I really like people.
Their joys. Their struggles and how they overcome them. How they maintain their humanity in the face of overwhelming challenges. The victories, the temporary defeats, how the pluckiest among us never give up. Mostly though, it's the kindness. Helping hundreds of strangers or giving a smile to someone who needs it...especially if there seems to be nothing in it for us.
One of the most profound gifts in my life was the smile a homeless lady gave me after I made eye contact while giving her a coffee refill. The secret is, acts of care come back to us many fold, selfishness is a sad and empty end.
Since one day many years ago when I was out of answers, the faith that stepped in to save me has been my foundation.
I am a graduate professor of business, and a program coordinator in the Phoenix, Arizona area. I have also been a collegiate level writing coach.
My published work so far has been exclusively academic, centering on my passions, transformational and servant leadership. I focused my dissertation on servant leadership method in the geriatric health care environment. I hope my small contribution can move the field of elder care management forward to serve one of our most vulnerable populations.
I like to bike, boat, and hike, host and attend family gatherings, and enjoy the astonishing beauty of nature in my two home states; Iowa and Arizona.
I was privileged to grow up in a diverse environment, and therefore I have a blended and unique world view. I also had dynamic colleagues of all persuasions and backgrounds who form the basis for my characters. Before the academic world, I worked in foundries and factories, drove trucks, sold appliances and lumber, and worked in a grocery store. (Same grocery chain as Kurt Warner, who was also from my first college; but without my having any football skills...) The thing I found is that genuinely great people can be found anywhere, as well as life's antagonists.
As a boy, I got into a great deal of trouble telling stories. Now I want to inspire with deep tales of self-exploration where the characters must step far outside themselves to find resolution to their problems. Kind of like life...
I was a daydreamer, and Mom used to give me a firm smack on the head and tell me I wouldn't amount to thing that way. She was right. But now...maybe I've reached the place where I can dream a little, and share it with all my friends...